Uganda NTRL/SRL provides Proficiency Testing (PT) panels for Microscopy, LPA, GeneXpert and DST.

For PT participants;

  1. Contact the Uganda NTRL/SRL PT Provider by email at
  2. Every Participant is required to fill an Annual Enrolment Questionnaire (PT 008 F1) after which an Annual Enrolment Certificate (PT 008 F3) is dispatched to the participant contact person as proof of enrolment for each year.
  3. Any participant laboratory that wishes to enroll in the Culture or DST PT must fill in a Participant Biosafety Compliance Letter Agreement (PT 008 F2) between the PT provider(SRL Uganda) and the participant laboratory
  4. Every participant is required to participate in our PT customer satisfaction survey annually. The survey form (P029 F3 Customer Satisfaction Survey) should be filled and emailed to . This feedback is used to improve the PT service to meet participants needs.
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* GeneXpert PT – For participants not receiving DST PT panel

** LPA PT – For participants not receiving DST PT panel

***DST PT panel – DST can also be tested on phenotypic and Genotypic (GeneXpert and LPA) without receiving a separate PT panel for either GeneXpert or LPA)